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6 Characteristics of Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty rewards are one of the most crucial components of customer loyalty programs. In order to meet customer expectations and drive high levels of engagement, loyalty rewards should have the following characteristics: Flexibility: good loyalty rewards must be flexible enough to cope with both changes loyalty program scale and customer preferences. Rewards should both stimulate […]

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lady with iphone

4 Ways to Boost Customer Engagement

Having good customer engagement is one of the most critical success factors for every business. If you get your customers engaged with your business, you are most likely to decrease churn rate, generate more revenue with cross and upsales, collect feedback on existing products and effectively communicate new products and services.   Here are a […]

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Loyalty Strategies: How to Drive Redemptions and Engagement

A loyalty program’s reward strategy is vital for success and has a great influence on customer behaviour and engagement. A poorly designed reward strategy can lead to low participation rates and even irritation among program members. Some of the most critical mistakes include little or no excitement value of rewards, not enough variety, lack of […]

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mobile phone

The Power of Mobile Loyalty Marketing

Mobile loyalty is becoming the new competitive battleground. More and more companies are utilizing mobile loyalty strategy to combine multi-channel promotions, location and analytics. According to loyalty experts, the biggest return on mobile comes from increased customer loyalty and personalization. If you provide real value and incentives in exchange for customer time, you will most […]

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lady mug

Great Customer Experience Can Beat Brand Giants

Now more than ever, customers are looking for great shopping experiences that go far beyond traditional shopping. By combining good customer service with more compelling and targeted marketing approach, smaller brands can win customer hearts and gain a competitive advantage. Retargeting, email alerts and product page recommendations are just a few of the most effective […]

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lady with tablet

4 Ways to Drive Customer Engagement with Loyalty Programs

Customer engagement is the key to brand loyalty and survival. As more and more loyalty programs being launched every day, it is getting increasingly harder to grab customer attention and drive real involvement. Implement these 4 strategies to help you engage your customers: Focus on Personal Engagement Mass marketing strategies are no longer effective. In […]

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Main Types of Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty rewards can be split in two major categories – “soft” rewards, including different benefits and privileges, and “hard” rewards, including loyalty points and discounts. The majority of loyalty programs still focus on hard rewards, which can be easily related to the amount spent by customers. Some of the most successful loyalty programs include a […]

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shopping loyalty

Are Coalition Loyalty Programs the Next Big Thing in Loyalty?

Coalition loyalty programs are not only becoming increasingly popular over the last couple of years, but may also become “the next big thing” in loyalty programs and customer retention.  So what are coalition loyalty programs? Coalition loyalty programs allow the customer to use one loyalty card or mobile app to earn and redeem loyalty points […]

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lady in car

How Social Media Marketing Drives Customer Loyalty

Social media channels are one of the most effective tools for increasing customer loyalty and engagement. Nowadays, brand loyalty steps back to the low cost alternatives. Here comes social media, helping brands to connect with customer directly and collect valuable customer feedback. Direct conversations often give birth to new ideas and customer insights for more […]

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Community hands

8 ways beyond the financial ROI of a loyalty program

There are eight ways in which loyalty pays back. Some are more obvious, but others will surprise you.   1. Greater consumer costs: Loyal customers buy more and they are often willing to pay more. This creates a healthier cash flow. 2. Referrals mean lower customer acquisition costs: Loyal customers refer others to your business, […]

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